breeding and mating

. hamsters .

Syrian hamsters are very hard to mate.They are solitary animals which means that they are not used to being together. If you want your two hamsters to mate, put them on the sofa or seat and make sure they won't fight.If they keep doing that for a couple of days,they will get used to each others smell. Some day the female hamster will pick her tail up which means she wants to mate with the male hamster.The male will climb onto the females back and will let the sperms go into the female.You all know how it works,don't you?
here are some videos to show you how  the hamsters  mate:
.the difference.
this picture show's you the difference between girl hamsters and boy hamsters:

Syrian hamsters
dwarf hamsters

. Birth .

The babies will probably be born at least 14-18 days after the female has mated.Do not handle the mommy hamster after her birth progress.It will hirt her belly and bottom as it does anyway!She will probably have at least 3 -12 babys.
here is a nice video to show you how a mommy hamster gives birth:

The baby hamster will not just have any colour furr!It depends on what colour their parents are!For example: If the parents are the same colour,the babies will be the same colour.If the parents are both diferent colours(for example black and white),the babies will be black and white!
If you look at the picture on the video below,you'll see that the mommy hamster's furr is the same colour as her baby's furr. 
This great video show's how some baby syrian hamsters grow up (from day 1 to day 31)!

baby hamsters "1 day old"
baby hamsters "close to a week old"
Baby hamsters "a few weeks old"
Baby hamsters "a few months old"
 Here is a video to show you how the mommy hamster gives birth and washes her baby hamsters:

1 comment:

My hamsters

  • Fluffball
  • Sandyball
  • Snowball
  • Smokeyball
  • Kili
  • Fili
  • Zili

No.1 hammie

No.1 hammie
This is hamster number one.His name is fluff ball.I like calling him "king fluff ball" because he was the first hamster had!